Last week I shared with you guys the great Craigslist find that we scored for our bedroom furniture. Well, like any furniture brought into our home it was about to get a makeover. I’ve been trying hard to go out on a limb and step outside of my comfort zone in this apartment like when we painted the coffee table emerald-green. But after this disastrous choice I’ve decided that there is nothing wrong with loving fresh crisp colors that brighten a room and make it seem larger, like grays and whites, and adding pops of color around it. We started here:
For our bedroom I wanted to bring in a nice coral-red color and mix it with teal/turquoises. So after spending about an hour in the paint section (it’s never a quick trip, I usually freeze up and Al needs to either make a decision for me or remove me from the situation only to return later and start it all over again) I decided on a soft red/coral color and a very light, almost white, gray color.
Beautiful paint job, but the result looked like something straight out of a 7-year-old boys’ room that had a baseball theme.
So in true form I decided that I wanted the whole thing fresh white so we ended up re-painting all of it in the neutral gray/white that we had bought.
Al lightly sanded all the pieces. There was no finish or paint on them so it was a quick sand then a quick, thin coat of primer. He then got to work painting the rest. I was planning to wall paper the inside, back wall of the shelves but decided against it because I had my diy storage boxes and I thought all the pattern would be too much. So I painted the insides and figured down the road I can always add paper.
I picked up new drawer pulls at Hobby Lobby for $2 a piece for the lower drawers only. I plan to add colorful ones to the two small drawers but I want to wait until the whole room comes together before making a decision.
We let the whole thing dry for 3-4 days before moving in. Once it had plenty of time to dry and set we added our storage boxes, our clothes and other small accessories.
I’m confident that these are the best option for bedroom furniture for our tiny bedroom. You know I love me some great vertical space! What type of bedroom storage do you guys use in small spaces?
This came out beautifully!