So, it’s DECEMBER. And I’m not sure how as yesterday I thought it was still July. This has been a crazy year. And that’s probably an understatement. Between the demands of my job, learning how to be a mom, learning to be a working mom (workaholic mom, because deadlines), traveling, house projects and more I’m ready for a giant cocktail and a vacation.
Photo completely irrelevant. Just amazing that this is our view every morning this time of year!
Over the last year I’ve had a lot of internal thoughts about this blog, the blogging industry, what I want going forward and how I’m going to work towards that. One thing that I’ve learned is that I can’t keep up the way I used to be able to, and that’s been very clear as the blog has definitely suffered.
But other things I’ve struggled with, as this blogging industry evolves, is how to keep up within the industry, not just with my own content. And again it’s partly because the industry is moving fast and you have to be tuned in at all times, but also partly due to my other commitments as a mom, a wife and an employee at my day job.
But I miss writing, creating and influencing and I’m really trying to get back to it, albeit slowly. I’m looking forward to focusing more on all topics rather than just house and DIY. I’m hoping to share a few holiday posts this month, some house updates and some other wellness, fashion (I use that term loosely as I’m not fashionable ha) and life related posts.
My goal is to post content 1-2 times a week on the blog, and daily on social media refreshing old posts, tips and tricks, articles and more. If I have the capacity for more one week then it’ll be more and if I have the capacity for none, then so be it.
Stay tuned, thanks for showing up and reading each week and Happy December!
Busy busy Busy, Lindsey I enjoy the blogging and hopefully you can find the time to share your self. You have a lot of full-time positions!!! Rock on!