This project was so easy and was incredibly close to free. Win, win. We needed some storage bins for our bedroom furniture and as much as I would have liked to buy all new, matching baskets or wire bins it wasn’t in the budget. So I decided to use some boxes that I already had and picked up some contact paper at TJ Maxx. The boxes were free and the contact paper was $5.99 for a pack of two rolls which I’ve used in about three other places in our apartment. I’d say I got my money’s worth!
I gathered up my boxes and paper and then I very simply just wrapped the boxes with the contact paper. Kind of like I did way back when I used wrapping paper to make some storage boxes. Often times I think people are intimidated by contact paper because of the whole stick factor and not wanting to mess up. But, it’s actually quite easy to peel of and readjust as needed.
The contact paper I purchased had a graph on the back so it made it much easier to measure and wrap. However, if you find a cute pattern that doesn’t have the graph on the back it’s no biggie, because like I said this was super easy. If you know how to wrap a present you can wrap a few boxes.
And even if you’re the worst present wrapper in the whole world you can still do this, I swear, because the contact paper will smooth right out. My favorite part about the whole project is how the chevron contact paper gives an added pop to boring storage.
You guys been up to any projects lately? Any great, inexpensive storage ideas?
I love it! Great idea! I saw your link at LivingWellSpendingLess!
Thanks for stopping in, Taylor!