How can it be! This guy is growing and learning faster than we can keep up with. Last month he had a massive growth spurt, eating us out of house and home and needing all new clothes. Since he was born he’s been 1-2 sizes behind in clothes since he was so small at birth. Well in September he caught up!
He is crawling everywhere. Pulling up, starting to cruise around. I’ll tell ya, if you ever feel good that your house is clean bring in a crawling baby to prove your otherwise. He does a really good job of finding (and eating) any <insert any minuscule object found on the floor here>. Tiny pebbles, tiny leaf pieces, he even ate the tiniest piece of Styrofoam from a package we had delivered. That was fun hooking that out of his mouth.
He loves all things that aren’t toys. He still loves eating. LOVES eating. He’s starting to take an interest in books more and more which is super exciting. He pulls them off the shelf and is trying to open and turn the pages himself. He’s interested and intrigued by everything.
We’ve heard a few words out of him and he’s definitely repeating all of our sounds. He says dada, hi, car an occasional mama and he says vroom which was hilarious the first time I heard that.
The current battle is post bath time when he wants to just drop the towel and book it across the house with his bare butt. It’s all fun and games until he pees on the carpet. It’s basically an olympic sport getting a diaper and pajamas on him.
Just last weekend he actually napped! Both days. Twice a day. It was amazing.
He is so fun right now. Laughs at everything, so curious, constantly learning. I can’t believe we’re rounding the corner to 1 year!
Love watching him grow from afar. Wish I could see him up close but certainly feel blessed having met him. Love this age.