Life got in the way and his 15 month update is actually at 16 months. This guy has had a busy few months! Since he turned one we have had no shortage of illnesses around here (is it summer yet?) – croup, stomach bug, RSV, strep and of course the common cold.

Nothing slows him down though! He has so many words and phrases – mama, dada, hi, buh bye, doggie, woof woof woof, night night, bye train, bye mama, boat, tick tock, roar, cheers, cheese, etc. etc. So many, I couldn’t list them all.
He started walking at about 15 months and 1 week. He worked so hard and ensured he perfected it before taking off. It’s amazing to see him experience a whole new world and point of view. And we’re still learning to adjust to life with a walking toddler!
He loves trains, playing with pots and pans, the cabinet with the garbage in it and clearing surfaces. He’ll throw everything off the coffee table in point two seconds. Everything is a car. Any toy, object, thing turns into a car.
I love living life through his eyes. I get just as excited to see a dog or train as he does. It’s a reminder to slow down and recognize that babies don’t keep, they’re only little for so long and I want to soak it all in. There are not enough heart eyes in the world for this little boy.
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