Nine months feels nuts to me. I know every month, and eventually year, every parent says goes by so fast. But 9 months really feels like he’s not a baby anymore. He seems like such a big kid now!
He is loving everything right now! Food continues to be a current favorite and he’s doing so well with it. He eats pretty much anything we put in front of him and loves trying new things. He has nearly perfected his pincer grip so meal time has become a fun game of dropping food on the floor too. Which, goes right back on his tray ha! And he broke his first tooth (FINALLY!). Kid has been teething since I was like 27 weeks pregnant I feel like.
He’s figuring out how to get from the seated position down to his belly and starting to army crawl/shimmy when on his belly. He’s also smart/lazy and if on a blanket and wants a toy out of reach he just pulls the blanket to get the toy closer. Instead of moving. I meaaaaan. I’ve got to give him credit where credit is due. It’s not a bad approach.
He LOVES airplanes. He’s been on 11 flights so far and has been so good on all of them. Though I likely just jinxed that. His interest level in everything amazes me. A new toy, cars passing by, the recycling bin. Everything is fascinating to him and I love watching the excitement on his face.
He has a voice! He has some of the highest pitched squeals I’ve ever heard. And he knows they shock us because he laughs immediately after each one.
We finally have his eczema under control and we learned that the underlying cause is likely an egg allergy that we recently confirmed. We’re just so glad he’s comfortable and not scratching anymore. He’s still not entirely fond of his car seat. And he fooled us for a month or so, making us think he loved the nose frida, but he was just kidding. Kid better get used to it since we live in the snot capital of the world.
He’s just the greatest. Look at him trying to climb right out of the frame. <3
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