Last week I realized I might have a problem. Problem being that I’m a magazine addict. No joke in one week I received nine magazines in the mail (more came after I took the photo below!). But I’ll tell ya, every time I opened that tiny mailbox in the lobby and saw another, I was jump for joy happy.
You would think with my whole being green and the cheapest person on earth super frugal I wouldn’t spend money on such things. But, a few of them were gift subscriptions from the holidays or my birthday and the others, well, I never pay the full price for a subscription.
I’ve never paid more than $4 for a one year subscriptions which is totally how I justify that this addiction is okay. I usually find discount codes online or on other blogs I read. I also get emails from sharing when there’s a good deal going on. But I don’t go looking for the deals, if they’re right in front of me or they come to my inbox I take a quick peek, and say yea or nay.
And usually when I do find a steal on a subscription it’s one of those whole you have to order within the next day to get the discount type deals. I’m totally fine with that because if it’s one that I like or want I already have my wallet out and those numbers entered.
As for the green aspect of it, I know it’s not the best green habit but I do always either donate them, give them to a friend to read or recycle them. It’s totally my guilty pleasure and since I’m known to never ever find a reason to sit down and relax, magazines make me want to. And I mean hey, there could totally be worse addictions, like the amount of wine I consume while reading them. Just joking.
What’s your guilty pleasure? Magazines? Books? Wine? Chocolate? I’d love to know, then maybe I could add another to my lineup!
Love magazines, always have.