Happy October! How it’s October I have no clue. But it is and time ain’t slowing down. I’m trying hard to set smaller monthly goals. I used to be a big goal setter, to do list maker, very organized with a get shit done attitude.
In the last few years I haven’t been that way and I notice the impact it has on me regularly. I thrive in structured, organized environments and when you work full-time and have kids it definitely takes more work to keep up and it’s easy to feel defeated when you aren’t getting the regular things done.
So, the first step for me was to start setting smaller, monthly goals. Nothing major, but things that I know will make an impact for me and will be attainable. I’m trying to set 1-3 small goals per month and share here since with anything when publicly stated it seems to provide accountability. So, here are my small October goals:
Floss Daily // I don’t know WHY this is so hard for me. But every time I floss I feel great and know how good it is for me. Especially while pregnant when dental health is so important (I mean it’s always important but there’s more risk when preggo). It’s not hard, it takes like 60 seconds tops.
Take my Vitamins // Another one that isn’t hard but I just don’t do it. But I’ve noticed a significant difference on days I take them versus don’t. So I bought a small pill organizer and put it smack in front of me so there’s no excuse.
Get Organized // Not talking like turn my house upside down and re-organize, but small things like meal planning and a laundry schedule. I used to be a strict meal planner and certain days of the week I did certain loads of laundry (regular loads, gentle cycles, sheets/towels). They were small things but kept the whole house in order and we never got behind on things. Al actually does the majority of laundry and cooking around here so really I’ll just make the schedule and ensure he sticks to it ha!
this blog looks better every time I see it. Thanks for sharing all your great tips.