We aren’t huge tech/TV people at home with Louie, but when we travel we do allow him to use the Amazon Kindle with headphones – and if road tripping we use this headrest mount. Since it’s not a regular thing it’s exciting for him during travel and it’s a special treat that he really does enjoy.
We’ve found a good round up of movie shorts, kid shows and apps that hold his attention. In addition to these, we’ve also downloaded a good amount of books that we know he likes. Many of these downloads are free or inexpensive with an Amazon Prime subscription.
Here’s our lineup of downloads:
Movie Shorts
TV Shows
While we’re not people who are anti screen time, it just hasn’t been of that much interest to Louie thus far. He does love watching train and animal YouTube Kids videos and we love Cosmic Kids Yoga on YouTube as well. I won’t lie, the day he wants to watch Disney movies I’ll be ready with the popcorn ha!
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