How sweet is this flower box that Al whipped up one Sunday morning? On our morning walk we saw a similar concept at the local breakfast restaurant and realized it was the perfect solution to the awkward space next to our off-centered garage door. Side note: the driveway and the garage are crooked. No matter what I do I can’t get the darn thing to sit level against the house, so it leans a little to the right!
We had left over pickets from the fence we installed last summer so using those and some leftover 2×4’s Al threw this thing together.
He started by cutting the 2×4’s to the size we needed to fit the space next to the garage. He then added the pickets to the 2×4’s and then trimmed the pickets on three sides to be 36” high. The pickets on the back side were taller, about 52” high, so he trimmed those and secured them to the 2×4’s as well. He added 2 cross 2×4’s so the flowers would have something to sit on and screwed the whole thing together.
Once it was complete I gave it a quick coat of black paint using a leftover can of Country Chic’s Liquorice. It needed something on the back to fill the space and I remembered I had this tin thing with a T on it that I had yet to find a good place for. That’s what it needed – it tied the whole thing together.
The only cost to us was the $10 in flowers. We actually made this at the end of last summer so for the fall we put mums in it, the winter we added branches trimmed from our Christmas tree and now we have summery flowers. I love that we can easily change them out with the seasons. Not half bad for a basically free, Sunday morning project.
Have Al level (shim) the one side, I have no doubt it drives you crazy! Well done guys!
We did that already, but we still can’t get it to be perfectly level!