I’ve mentioned probably a thousand times here on the blog how we have no photos from our honeymoon. We were robbed three weeks after our honeymoon and lost all photos. I hadn’t had the chance to back them up yet and it was a total loss. Nearly four years later and I still cringe at the thought of the whole thing.
When we were on our trip I took home a water bottle filled with Bahama sand. I’ve carted it around for four years and have done a few things with it, but really not much. I had used it in a vase one time but that was all.
This year I felt like the best thing to do with it was to pour the sand into an ornament and hang it on our tree. For just over $1 (I used a coupon!) I grabbed a plain glass ornament at Joann Fabrics. I liked that it was more of a flat round, than the ball style ornaments.
I poured the sand into it and used a plain ribbon to tie it on to the tree. I love the simplicity of it. I may include a little sliver of paper that says the dates and location we traveled to, but for now I love that it’s plain and we know what it is and where it came from. Second best to photos, right?
Ugh, back up your photos instantly people!
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