Our sweet Vincent turned one back in December, in the midst of a cross country move, so we’re all playing a little catch up!

He is the sweetest, loudest, most hilarious little wild animal. He is always hungry. Always. He says mama, dada, hi, bye, ball and more. Ball, ball, ball, ball. Ball is his favorite word! He knows how to sign milk, more and all done.
As of his birthday he still only had two teeth, the bottom two. All the heart eyes for his two tooth smile. He loves playing! He’s very into exploring toys, rolling balls, learning how things work, etc. He wants and needs to know at all times what his brother is doing. And then immediately try to interrupt said activity.
He is active! Climbing slides, play structures, furniture. Whatever he can find. Not walking yet, but working hard at it. And lastly he is finallllllllllyyyy sleeping. Finally. Finally. Finally. I thought I’d never see the day.
He is the absolute sweetest, most cuddly little guy. I love this age. As hard as it is, the daily learning and absorption of new skills is just fascinating. Happy 1st Birthday Vincent!
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