Let’s face it, I’m never going to catch up ha! This little nugget is a wild man. We’ve simply been just surviving since August. He is teething SO hard, not sleeping, had a stomach bug, but still continues to laugh and smile all the time.

All he wants to do is move. He is getting braver and starting to stand without holding on. We’re seeing a glimpse into our future of brothers fighting and wrestling! Now that he’s getting bigger he defends himself against Louie, steals toys, is nosy as can be and wants to always know what his big brother is doing right now.
He says mama, dada, an occasional up and ball. He loves pointing and it’s the just cutest. My favorite thing he’s doing currently is pulling up on our built in drawers and then chewing the drawer handle. He always look so mischievous.
We can only hope that more teeth pop through soon because I didn’t know this level of tired existed!
There is no catching up at this time of life. Just continue to smile and enjoy! Vinny is a cutie. Is beginning to look like Louie.
My deepest hopes for you is baby just gets all those teeth in. NOW! Oh I feel your pain! The struggle is real, right?!
You put that so eloquently “ didn’t know this level of tired existed!
I had four babies ( they all had different birthdays! LOL)
The last three were in succession each 16 months from the other. ( don’t ask why, that’s a different story. )
I thought it would never end! Thing is, we don’t sleep much and neither do they but somehow they are full of energy for another day.
What’s up with that?!
I guess when someone is holding you all night walking you around it helps said baby, with ENERGY! HA!