Welcome to the new design! I won’t lie I love it. It’s simple, clean, precise and organized all while still being colorful and fun. In case you didn’t know me I hate clutter. I can’t stand visiting a site where there’s a thousand moving parts and different colors and flashing things and loads of just stuff. I’m all about white space and making what matters pop.
So what changed?
Well, look around! The header, background, side bar and navigation. And all the stuff in the back-end that you can’t see.
How do you (the readers) benefit from the changes?
It’s organized. It’s easy to search and it’s categorized in a more “it makes sense” way. All content is now listed in the navbar, which are drop down menus and include sub categories. The side bar also lists post by month and category, which is another way searching is made easy.
What’s next?
A lot! I still have a lot more updating to do on each page. Need to update old photos into the new format so everything is uniform. Check links to make sure everything is still working smoothly and lots more. So it’ll take time and patience but I’m hoping by early March I’m up to speed on everything.
You may see some minor changes continue to occur but nothing as major as the full roll out. I welcome feedback and again, can’t thank you enough for reading everyday and supporting me along this journey. This is it for today, lots to work on, so have a fabulous, relaxing weekend!
Looks GREAT… Love all the updates!
Thanks Mici! Super excited about it!