That’s right, our guy turned 1! The big day was in early November, but if you follow me on Instagram you know we spent it in doctors offices and came home with a birthday present of croup. He’s doing much better and also cut 3 teeth in the midst of all this.

I can’t believe he’s one. And I know every parent says that but it’s so true. It’s amazing how fast and how slow a year can pass.
He is growing and developing faster than we can keep up with. He’s standing, cruising, walking with push toys, climbing on everything he can. He’s starting to actually play with toys – my favorite is when he pushes cars around. It’s so damn cute.
He’s still eating us out of house and home, and he’s kind of starting to have opinions on foods, which I’m not quite ready for. He talks! He says dada, mama, hi, buh bye, car, doggie and lots of other repeats and babbles. He pretends his hand is a phone and it’s the greatest thing ever.
He’s not a huge fan of his car seat, although his feelings on that change daily. We basically need to eat our Wheaties in preparation for changing his diaper or putting pjs on him. It’s amazing how they go from sweet little kid in the bathtub to tornado when they see that diape and pjs coming at them.
He is growing, learning, healthy and happy. And that’s all we ever want for him. Happy birthday Louie, you are the love of our lives, cheers to year #2!
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